

Ok. Confession.

I have no idea what to do with a blog.  I dont know the meaning of the word “blog” and haven’t understood ever since I saw it on Myspace like 5 years ago.  I have no idea what a “Tag” is, and dont know how random people i havent seen in years have found my blog.  I couldn’t make a new layout for my blog on my own if my life depended on it.  I thought I could just dive right in and it would come naturally.  Help anyone?    Should I just move to Blogger?  Everyone seems to have cute blogs and if its easier to use i am THERE.

California Road Trip – Labor Day Weekend

I know…two posts in one night? I’ve lost my mind.

But my trip to California to visit my sister Jana, brother in law Lee, and niece Carmen is definitely blog-worthy. I got to sit next to this hunk the whole 9 hours there, and back:

And got to go to this place a few times:

And went here two days in a row:

Which led me to look like this:

jpg sunburn

And of course little Carmen playing dress-up courtesy of Grandma

She was so cute. Grandma wishes she could see Carmen more often but since she cant she likes to send little gifts so she’ll remember her. Carmen kept saying “I have berrry long hair. berry berry long!” And kept saying “Grandma got me new flip cwops”. She is a dollface.

One of the best parts of the trip was finishing “The Host” !!!!

I guess I have a gift since I am able to read while riding in a car, but this book was so awesome. I would say I like it JUST AS much as a twilight book. They were both so different but I appreciate Stephenie Meyer now so much more after reading it.

Stephenie Meyer has put “Midnight Sun” (Twilight in Edwards point of view) on hold indefinitely. Someone (whom she knows, but has remained nameless) has posted 200 pages of it online illegally. She thought she could trust them but i guess she was wrong. She wrote a page on her website with more detail. I’m bummed out about it. i was looking forward to that book!

How do I have this much time to blog? Josh went to bed very early : ) He was tired.

On the way home from the store tonight the sunset was breath-taking, so I wanted to take a picture with him in front of it.

This is his “This picture is pointless because of the ugly objects in front of the sunset” look.


Um, so… I can do nails I discovered tonight. I have never tried to use acrylics before but i have had my nails done for years by a lady who does them out of her house. I have always thought it was so awesome that she could stay home with her kids and make her own schedule. In the last two months I have been getting my nails done at a nail school down the road from my work, and pretty much interrogating the girl doing my nails on how it is to see if i want to do it. I was telling my beauty school graduate friend Kenzie about my plans to go and she just said to teach myself and save my $3000. She bought me some OPI acrylics and tonight, I thought I’d try it out to see how I did. I don’t know what it was; the mental preparation that went into watching students do my nails and try to mimick their moves in my head, or if I have exceptional hand-eye coordination, or beginners luck…but i thought i did really well! Yes I’m boasting but I am so proud of myself.

Here I would have put the tip a little further away, but it would not stay glued. i finally had to push it up so it covered more area.  I think plastic works different than a natural nail, though.

I’m up for givin a few people a full set.. It’d be free of course.

Call 911!

Girls Camp

Being in young womens was so much fun. I cant believe how close i got to the girls and how amazing they are. Actually both Josh and I got close to them because he was the sunday school teacher for the beehive/deacons. We went rafting at girls camp so they needed a priesthood holder on every raft, so they really wanted josh to come! It was a great experience for josh and i. It was our first time camping together and it brought us closer! I love him more every day.

We just went to our new ward on sunday and I know that this ward will not compare. Both Josh and I miss those girls so much.

ok enough of the soft stuff, here are some cute pictures

These are pictures from when i let my butterflies ago!

Girls Camp was awesome!

Yes! I am Alive!

Not that I know too many people who blog…(i am sure everyone blogs, i just dont know about it) but in BLOG WORLD I havnt posted in 8 years.
Here is a game I stole from my sister’s blog, who she stole from someone else.

How to play the game. Post these rules on your blog: List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections, and 3 Random surprises about yourself. Tag five people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
1. Riding my bike to work. Josh and I figured it out: Riding my bike instead of taking the car saves $7-$8 a day on gas. I just got a raise! We live across the street from Josh’s office, so he walks.
2. Being a young women advisor. Although we just moved into a new ward and are looking forward to new callings, I never thought I would have so much fun in Young Womens. When I was in young womens and the leaders would say “i love each one of you” I would roll my eyes. Now I know how they feel when they truly do love all of the girls. Each are so different but so awesome in different ways.
3. Cooking. I havent made hardly any desserts…sweets just havent been my thing the last couple years. I like experimenting with different recipes.
1. Giving birth/being pregnant. So many things that can go wrong. People tell me “oh those are just the rare horror stories”. no. almost every single woman i know who has given birth to more than one child has experienced somethin crazy. like going into labor too fast to take the epidural! chhhhea right!
but everyone says its worth it. for those who know me, i FREAK OUT if i have to get a shot.
2. Losing Josh. I dont know what I would do without him. What can I say? He is the perfect husband.
3. Losing a loved one. I have never lost anyone that was really close to me, that was unexpected. I really dont know how i would be able to handle something like that. I know I would see them again but the fact that they arent living my earthly life with me so i can see them whenever i want would be unimaginably miserable.
1. To raise children who are happy.
2. To never go into debt.
3. To be the best wife to Josh that I can be. For those who know me know that growing up, cleaning wasnt my forte.
1. Butterflies
2. curly fries. i bought a curly fry maker, still trying to master how best to make them though.
(dont forget–i bike to work now) 😉
3. Shoes. I recently figured out its worth splurging for the better quality…all the cheap shoes i bought at forever young are falling apart!

1. Getting married was like flipping a light switch on for girliness. I wear makeup, dresses, heels, and hair accessories like never before. I went to girls camp last week and actually noticed how i hate getting dirty.
2. I hate cheese and chocolate. that usually gets a reaction out of people. im told im lucky. (which im not….there are plenty of other things that temp me)
3. josh thinks i should put for my third entry that i have big guns. But i think that everyone already knows that.

They’re Here!!!!!

And they are beautiful. I love each and every one of them.

Jana and Lee got a puppy before having kids, but us?

Oh, and I call this shirt my “Angela from the office” shirt, because its so high necked.

They are all pretty and healthy but one. It’s body is huge and has tiny wings…like on a bugs life when the big caterpillar with the accent gets tiny wings and is so excited.

I get a little overexcited here. It’s our first time holding them!

And yes I know this is really creepy looking, and I don’t remember what movie has this cover, but I couldnt think of another opportunity I would have a live butterfly chillin on my finger.

Dinner Party

I thought it would be fun to have some friends over for a dinner party…I always thought that looked like a fun activity, seeing my sister do it a lot with her friends and their kids.
I wasn’t sure what to make that everyone would like. I have actually started to cook quite a bit in these last 2 months. I cooked a lot before, but ever since we got hitched I’ve been trying to cook things that dont require the microwave! or toaster! i wanna be a good mommy and wife.

Anyway! I decided homemade pizza would be fun to do. Ryan, a good friend of ours, had a super easy pizza dough recipe:

1 c. warm water
1 pkg of yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 TBSP olive oil
2.5 c. flour

In a large mixing bowl add water, yeast, salt, and sugar. Let activate (sit) for 30 seconds. Add olive oil, then flour. With a fork, mix beat 30 times or until all the flour is mixed in. Put some flour on your hands, form dough into a ball. Leave it in the mixing bowl and cover with towel or suranwrap. Let rise for 25 minutes. Preheat oven to 400. Add any toppings you wish and back for 22 minutes.

Ryan said you arent doin it right unless you have flour all over your shirt…and i wore black to show how CLEAN i could stay. yep. he attacked me. And the handprint on the back kinda proves it!

He would love for me to take all the credit but I can not…he was throwing the pizza dough in the AIR! it was pretty entertaining. He just taught me as we went and people just said what they wanted on it. I have made it a few times since then and it has turned out really well.

It was really funny while we were making it, little Hannah was super hungry and got impatient, started licking up flour…

She wasnt very hungry when the pizza was ready…

But I want to have more get togethers like this!   Any of you have any cool ideas for appetizers/main course/dessert?
Or you can just post your favorite recipe cuz I love to experiment!

Time for a Pet !!

Cocoons fend off Josh and Carly

Look at the one on the far left!!!

This picture was taken the day before they started to cocoon.

Look how big and spikey they’ve gotten! They give me the heebie jeebies!!!

I got 5 pet caterpillars in the mail, with a habitat (as seen below). They will cocoon and turn into lovely painted lady butterflies! I can let them out of the net-thing and play with them!

I am such a kid! When the box came Josh’s words were “you’re like a 10 year old girl again!”